Working from Home in the World of COVID-19

working from home in the world of covid

For most organisations the concept of having a large number of employees working from home is daunting. It is unplanned for, is something new and is untested by business owners and employees. It involves changing the mindset of many CEOs and managers who now have to learn to trust employees even if they can’t see them.

How can work continue and everything be kept under control when their employees are working from home in this new world forced upon us by COVID-19?

Here we share some guidelines for your employees to ensure a smooth and effective transition for them and to ensure that they are kept productive and engaged:

1. Set up your workspace

  • If you don’t have a dedicated ‘office’ area or separate room, then create a clear area where you can stay interrupted for the day. Ideally at a table and not on a bed or couch!

  • Ensure that you have a good chair, good lighting, fast internet connection and power points close by.

  • Ensure your laptop or desktop has been loaded with all the required software and reliable remote access to your company server.

  • Keep your working area clean, tidy and professional as this will keep you organised and industrious.

  • Let your family know you’re working and not to disturb you. It may be a novelty initially for them to have you at home and they may want your attention.

  • Ensure that it’s quiet around you, especially when you’re on the phone.

2. Stick to your normal routine

  • Be at your desk at your usual starting time each day.

  • Plan your key goals for the day and keep to a structured routine as you can’t start missing deadlines or let working from home impact on your performance.

  • Be dressed on time (just as if you were going to work), so that you don’t find yourself still working in your PJ’s at midday.

  • Take your regular breaks for tea and lunch. Use your breaks to relax and stay active e.g. maybe do some home-based online exercises.

  • Avoid checking personal email or social networking sites during work hours as they very quickly become a time consuming distraction.

3. Keep communicating

  • Start the day positive with a video call with your team. Set it for the same time each day and keep it short and to the point with a clear focus for each meeting e.g. between 30 – 45 minutes.

  • Check-in with your team and colleagues during the day whether it’s for a quick chat or to bounce off an idea. If you can, use messages on a group feed such as Microsoft Teams or Slack for quick updates about what's happening during the day, if you have a win or need a hand. This is your unplanned chatter that usually occurs in an office around the coffee machine.

  • Make use of online project management tools, like or others which empower remote teams with collaboration and communication tools. You will know what tasks are assigned to you and to your team and where everyone is at on a project at any point in time. No wasting of time.

  • Don’t isolate yourself from the rest of your team and if you’re a manager, then make extra effort to stay in touch with everyone.

4. Remember your workplace rules

  • All the terms and conditions of your employment still apply, such as confidentiality, OH&S, intellectual property, code of conduct etc

  • Don’t leave documents and confidential info lying around.

  • Take care of company computer equipment and tools of the trade provided to you e.g. laptop, phone as you may be liable for any loss or damages.

  • Ensure that you have adequate insurance, if required.

5. Take care of yourself

  • Ensure that you are receiving practical and emotional support and let your manager know if you’re feeling isolated, frustrated or are lacking direction.

  • Stay connected and while physical contact may be minimised, don’t let yourself get cabin fever, keep emotional connections alive.

  • Make the switch as easy as possible for yourself and think of the positives and how lucky we are to be able to continue working.

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