HR Audit

We gain insight into your existing culture, HR processes, strategy and employees and then recommend relevant HR and Brand Engagement initiatives and programs.


Culture, Vision & Values

To be effective, both employers and employees need to understand what the company’s brand is, its values and what it stands for.

Alignment with the company’s vision and values creates the culture of the company. It connects employees to each other and to customers, yet very few companies achieve this alignment. When employees understand what their Company brand stands for, they are empowered to create experiences that drive loyalty and enhance business performance. The corporate brand provides a powerful tool to align the company and create a differentiated customer experience.  

Your employee’s understanding and effectiveness of your company culture, vision and values and alignment at all touchpoints, is reviewed and reported on as part of the HR Audit.  



Compliance, Policies & Procedures

Ensuring compliance with FairWork employment legislation, Modern Awards and relevance to existing company programs and practices is a key element of the compliance and risk component of the HR Audit.  

Your existing documentation, including employment contracts, policies, procedures and communication processes are checked to ensure consistency, relevance to your industry and culture and that HR risks are mitigated. Recommendations are made to address any anomolies that may exist.



Engagement Surveys

Our customised, branded employee engagement surveys and workshops very quickly let you know whether employees understand your brand and what you promise, whether they are proud to work for your company and hence contributing to the bottom-line, or not. 

Results provide insights into your employee’s behaviours, how they perceive your company, its products and services; assess their attitudes to HR programs and management practices, as well as overall morale and understanding of your culture, values and goals. 

Dovetail identifies areas for improvement and recommends initiatives to address gaps to drive business performance and engagement.



HR Strategies

Besides measuring engagement levels within your company, we assess whether your current HR Strategies ranging from recruitment, selection and induction practices, to performance review processes and goal setting, training, talent management and career development programs are sustainable, relevant and strategic. 

We make recommendations aligned to your needs and work with you to develop a HR Plan and a Brand Engagement program that will help your employees achieve their goals and connect to your customers, and that will enable you to build a solid team.   



If you would like to find out how a HR Audit could empower your business, please contact us below for an obligation free chat.